Friday, June 1, 2012

to journey alone and know your heart

A couple of weeks ago, I had to get my biometrics done in order to apply for my visa. The appointment assigned to me was in a city three hours from my hometown, and I went alone, and got lost, and managed a visit to the beach. It's always odd to go to places like the beach, or a historic town, or even a rest area, alone. It makes me more introspective.

The self portrait in the mirror is one that I've taken three times over the past year and a few odd months. Every time I'm in the area, I stop. It's a growing experience. The first time I stopped, I was with my best friend at the time. The second time, I was meeting a person who had been close to me and grown away. This time, I was alone, and I was oddly okay with it.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh these are beautiful! Seems like your reward for getting lost was stumbling onto that dreamy beach!

    Oui oui i sometimes feel strange for visiting places alone, but once i get past my initial 'ohhh god people are going to think im a crazy loner' thoughts, i actually enjoy it hehe.

    Your blog is a dream! <3 <3 XXX
